Thursday, January 25, 2018

Help! Google / SEO / Net Neutrality experts ...

I have never seen a drop like this in audience and I'm not doing anything differently here on my blog. Yet, the traffic suddenly swan-dived to about 200 per day, the lowest since I started blogging in 2010. 

Presumably, a minor adjustment / correction wouldn't result in such a radical and immediate shift like this -- what should I be on the lookout for? Is Google penalizing me specifically? Was there a major update in mid-January?


  1. What a drop! What app is this from? Is it Google Analytics, a Blogger thing, or something else?

    Some stuff I'd look for, if the app offers the info:
    Which pages/urls were getting traffic then vs now? Who were the top referrers/traffic sources when traffic was big? Was a similar drop in visits and unique visitors (as opposed to pageviews)?

  2. I listened the other day--after the show. Couldn't listen that night, so I didn't comment.

  3. Don't look at me. I drop in twenty times a day, at least.
