Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Messer Für Frau Müller | Hyper Utesov Presents

You are pooshing eet to your own self here.

[UPDATE: Shifted file to ADrive at readers' request.]

Found this trashy retro Ruskie gem at BORIS PRODUCTIONS, 64-49 108th Street in Corona, Queens, two weekends ago. Thought I'd post it tonight as last night I went to this fabulous evening of three generations of Russian avant garde poetry at the Poetry Project at St. Marks.

It's late and I need to get to bed, but wanted to assure you this blog's not dead.

Nyah, nyah.


  1. thanks for the rare music, i wish i had found you earlier because i would've loved to have helped you reupload your work.

  2. This download site is awful. First it wants me to download their software, telling me I must have it. Then they say my Adobe Flash is out of date, which it is not, and I should download the "update" from their site.

    Please, get a different download site. I'd love to hear this album.

  3. software? i just downloaded it...and super fast at that.

  4. The site download site sent me a note. It doesn't work with Safari.

  5. Weird, Dolmance.

    Awrighty. Lemme look into it.

  6. Hi,
    I cant get it too, it tells me to update my browser:(

  7. Okee-dokee: Looks like a number of you had issues with Mega, so I've shifted the file over to ADrive.

    Give it a try now and let me hear the sweet, sweet sound of your appreciation. :-)

  8. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    I was sad, but now I'm saved.

  9. @Dolmance

    From what you say, you might need to download a different browser app. It's called Puffin and you'd use that instead of Safari.

    Good luck.


    Glad you're haven't given up. You've given so much good stuff, I'd hate to see it cease.

    Best wishes.

  10. Fuckin' sweet, thanks. It's really hard to get a hold of Messer Für Frau Müller/Messer Chups records and i love them.
