Sunday, February 15, 2015

Rare Cambodian 60s-70s Rock | Disc 13

Rawk out to track 1 

Reupped a third time by special request on Feb 15, 2015, here

[Originally posted in January 2013.] I recognize track 1 as the basis for Dengue Fever's "Tiger Card" from 2008's Venus on Earth; the rest of this album is completely new to this listener, a listener who--I should point out--has amassed somewhere between 750 to 1,000 Cambodian songs from the 1960s and 70s over the last half decade or so. I picked up this plus two other similar compilations at Thai-Cam Video in Portland, Ore., in December, and this one includes some of my absolute favorite tracks. (I'll upload the other two discs in the coming days.)

I asked Thai-Cam's owner, Nang, if she wouldn't mind ordering me the entire series while I was there in Portland, seeing as how the CD's back cover said they were right over the river in Vancouver, Washington; alas, she explained that this company had long gone out of business.


  1. I saw the title of this post and started salivating. I just love this stuff!


  2. I actually have most of these tracks, but the quality of these are much, much better. It's going to take a bit of time to get the titles down, but I will do it. I just have to sift through a great deal of recordings to get them all.


  3. You're welcome, Tyler and Dolmance.

    Dolmance, if you are able to get the titles, we will all sing your praises for many days to come ...

  4. Holy shit, this is a treasure!

    I don't have them all, but I know I have some (at least four besides the Tiger one you mentioned) and I have to go through as large a collection as your own. Ugh.

    However -- the quality of the recordings is awesome -- the best I've heard yet, plus I think they're original music tracks, unlike those usual ones with the rerecorded instrumental parts.

    Again -- this is a treasure. The best voice quality for Ros Sereysothea and Sinn that I've ever, ever heard. Again THANK YOU!!!

  5. There will be more to come in the next few days ...!

  6. Okay, I got the first one -- Track 3 is called "Yerng Komlich Knea" By Ros Sereysothea and Sinn Sissamouth.

    You want me to do them one by one like this, or wait until I've got them all?

    Let me know!!!

  7. Track 2 (the one with the horse in the beginning) is called Sangkhim Cheanik by Pan Ron and Sinn Sissamouth.

  8. Thanks, Dolmance! I have no preference; just keep the titles coming as you find them. And thanks again!

  9. Gary
    I just had the insane fortune of stumbling across your blog... and now my hard drive is crying due to the insane amount of downloading I've been doing...

    As a long time casual listener of these kinds of rarities (basically Dengue Fever and Sublime Frequencies releases...) your blog has brought me to the next level!

    Thanks so much for this work - it's appreciated.

  10. Gary, somehow missed this, how wonderful!

    Thank you, thank you.

  11. Thanks a lot for the re-up, i really appreciate this gentleness; more surprises will arise from my blog to you, stay alert!!


