Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Junior Murvin | Muggers in the Street

Reupped here. RIP

[Originally posted on October 1, 2012.] Found a couple of weekends ago in Millennium Records (4045 White Plains Road). Actually, owing to the bizarre lettering on the cover of this one, whoever had added this CD to the shelves had placed it upside down pointing face outward, so my eye kept gravitating toward it, trying to figure out what it was. I finally asked the owner: "Hey what is that grayish-blue CD with the bizarre lettering?"

"Junior Murvin," he said, once he'd figured out what I was talking about, and brought the CD down for me to examine up close. "You know him; he did 'Police and Thieves.'"

The owner was right: Though I'm no fount of knowledge when it comes to reggae, I had certainly heard "Police and Thieves" before, and not just the Clash's version--although, admittedly, that's where I'd heard it first.

Junior Murvin, who's still alive, was not particularly prolific: Muggers in the Street was only one of seven total albums (not counting compilations) he released over the years since debuting with "Police" in 1977.

Oh, and before I forget ... as I said in previous posts, I'm considering changing the layout of this blog to something more like this. But in a sense, it's your blog, not mine, and I'd like you to decide what format you'd like to experience when you visit the Bodega. A couple of people have already chimed in, but I'd like to hear your thoughts as well ...


  1. Hi Gary - re layout - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I DESPISE that layout, and find I simply don't read any blog that uses it - WAY too much effort.

    Of course I'd keep reading YOU, but I would curse you & stick pins in a Gary voodoo doll. Just sayin'.

  2. I don't dislike blogs with that layout, myself. It has its advantages.

  3. I like this layout and the blog you linked to was unfortunately full of dead links....

  4. I like the Bolly Vault layout. I was disappointed to find the links dead when I was going to recommend it to a friend a few months ago. Any chance of reviving it?

  5. Jason and Barron, the part of me that is an enthusiastic go-getter would love to revive Bolly Vault; the part of me that is still adjusting to a new move and getting ready to take on a major new project, is wary.

    It will definitely get revived at some point -- and I say that because I haven't posted hardly any Bolly stuff at all in the Bodega, despite it being the music I have the most of. Clearly, the enthusiastic, go-getter half of me wants to win.

  6. Just to let you know that Junior Murvin passed away this month-

  7. ..just anyway you mould it Gary..
    do what you must and we'll follow, cheers..
