Saturday, November 2, 2013

Unknown Dimotika Band | Our Finest Folk Songs

Listen to the first track of this kick-ass CD

Reupped by reader request here.

[Originally posted in August 2012.] I found this collection of Greek dimotika, or folk, music nearly a decade ago in this odd little store in Bayridge just off fifth Avenue at around 79th or 80th Street. All I remember about the store was that it was actually two stores, which you could go back and forth from via a single door in the back connecting both. Oh, wait; no. It was three stores, one of which was a wedding dress maker? Right on the corner. I just Google mapped the area and it looks like none of this exists anymore. Anyway, there was the dress maker, then this weird sort of Z-level movies DVD place and then, last but not least, a small Greek music store. 

What was a Greek music store doing in Bay Ridge? Well, Bay Ridge hosts an annual Greek Cultural Festival, so I'm guessing there must be a Greek population there, although I don't think there were any restaurants or other Greek-related businesses, save for the CD store. I've always thought of the neighborhood as predominantly Arabic (there used to be half a dozen or so Arabic music stores dotted along Fifth Avenue), but this is New York, after all.

I picked up this CD on a lark for like $5-10, having no idea what it was, and have loved it ever since the first play. It sounds to me like gypsy music, perhaps because of the clarinet and the extremely soulful voice of the singer. But it clearly says "dimotika" on the cover and that, so far as I know and understand, means "folk." Oh, and if you read Greek, here's the back cover with the track list:

Sorry I seem to be posting more writing and links to writing than music recently, but I've been getting a lot of requests for writing and comics lately, so I've been admittedly distracted from the music bloggin'. I've got a stack of stuff I've been meaning to share with you, including Arthur H's first album, given that y'all seemed to love so much the song of his I included here. Soon!


  1. Hi I am highly interested in this album especially from the way you describe it. unfortunately the download is unavailable, i feel like you were introducing a best-taste burger ever but the I couldn't get a chance to taste it. I am wondering is it possible for you to re-upload it? It would be really nice if you do, thanks so much.

  2. Is this the album you wanted, 广东病患者 ?

  3. I don't speak Greek & can't work some of these out, but I did study ancient Greek so can have a go! So, as a 'straw man' for wiser folk to improve on:

    τα ωραιοτερα δημοτικα μας τραγουδια
    Our finest folk-songs

    1. Στα Σαλωνα σφαζουν αρνια - Killing lambs in Salona
    2. Συννεφιασε στον Παρνασσου - Clouds over Parnassus
    3. Κατακαυμενη Αραχωβα - Arachova the boastful
    4. Του Κιτσου η μανα - Kitsos's mum
    5. Η Παπαλαμπραινα - Pastor Lambros's wife
    6. Ρουσσα παπαδια - [Roussa my child?]
    7. Καραγκουνα - Karagounis
    8. Ο Ολυμπος και ο Κισσαβος - Mt Olympus and Mt Kissavos [=Mt Ossa]
    9. Αρβανιτοβλαχικο - song of the Arvanitovlachs [a non-Greek people of north Greece]
    10. Πουλια μου διαβαταρικα - Migrant birds
    11. Μωρη κοντουλα λεμονια - [Silly little lemons?]
    12. Θαλασσια μου - Sea of mine
    13. Δεν μπορω μανουλα μ' - My goodness, I can't
    14. Παιδιά της Σαμαρίνας - Children of Samarina

    Singers: Spyros Verras, Andreas Andriopoulos, Steryos Dardakoulis, Dimitris Kaloyirou

    Clarinet: Panos Karaiannis, Kostas Zervas, Giorgos Damos
    Lyre: Kostas Pitsos

    Looking forward to this !!

  4. David, you are a God among men. Thank you!

  5. Hi,
    Could you reupload this promising album please ? I'm particularly fond of S. Dhardhakoulis.
    Thank you.
