Sunday, May 6, 2012

Fama | Feng Wing Chi

Listen to "跟队唔该"

Get it all here.

Released in 2005 and already out of print, this is Hong Kong duo Fama's second album. You can get their first, "Poon o'da Moon," here, and their insanely wonderful "Wind and Water Rising," here.

At their best--and their best lasted for nearly half-a-dozen albums--Fama is noteworthy for the range of styles, genres and time signatures they take on--even within single tracks. (For the most ear-popping example of this, click on the link to "Wind and Water Rising" above and listen to the sample track on that page.)

This goes out to Craftypants Carol and Holly, my Online Hong Kong Hip-Hop Appreciation Sisters.


  1. Thank you, Gary! These gentlemen are a ton of fun :-)

  2. Thank you!!!! You totally made my day (or night, actually - but I'll prob wind up listening it it tomorrow).

  3. There will be more, as I have at least two more out-of-print albums yet to post. :-)

  4. thanks Gary im waiting for ur next post !
