Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fama | Poon o'da Moon

I was a bit under the weather last week, thus the lack of posting until this morning. As often happens when I take a bit of time off, I received a few comments on older posts, as returning visitors, jonesin' for new product and clearly frustrated by my temporary slothful absence, take digging into their own hands and raid the archives. One of the comments I was most happy to find this week was from regular visitor Craftypants Carol, who wrote an enthusiastic response to a post of Fama's "Wind and Water Rising". Apparently, she loved the album so much, she wrote about Fama on her own blog.

Because Carol's a regular here and because she's fallen so hard for Fama and because, unrepentant completist that I am, I happen to have everything this band has ever put out, I'm posting their now-a-decade-old, long-out-of-print super-rare first album, Poon (or Poem) o'da Moon, from 2002.

Carol and I are hardly Fama's only fans: They were named Most Popular Band in the Jade Solid Gold Best Ten Music Awards Presentation for 2008. How could you not love a Hong Kong hip-hop band who, after Barack Obama was elected 44th President of the United States, temporarily changed their name to O'Fama and released an album called Yes Change We Can, complete with packaging that included Hope posters of both members CKwan and 6Wing and a bonus booklet designed to look like a passport?

Listen to the title song

Get it all here.


  1. Very fun, Gary ...going back in the archives myself! Thank you.

  2. You're both very welcome. I'll probably post up through Fama's 5th or 6th CD over the next few months, especially considering that it's all out of print. HK stuff goes O.P. shockingly quickly and no one there seems particularly keen to reprint much if anything--at least not the stuff I listen to, not all of which is particularly obscure. Maybe this is due to having an audience limited largely to HK? Someone needs to write a book about the music culture there; god knows there are enough books about the film culture.

    Anyway, nice to see you both. :-) At some point this week I'll be posting a rap & hip-hop around the world sampler--I've already uploaded everything and just need to type out a bit of blah blah blah to accompany.
